I spent this weekend with Rob and Josh around the Moab area of southeastern Utah. We camped inside Canyonlands National Park and did quite a bit of hiking around "island in the sky" in Canyonlands, Arches National Park, and Fisher Towers. Camping inside Canyonlands was awesome - there probably aren't a lot of places in the U.S. that give you a more amazing view of the night sky .. and absolute silence. Arches National Park was a zoo, as usual. So many people .. so many cars .. Edward Abbey's worst nightmare come true. Fisher Towers was an incredible place to see, but it was also insanely hot while we were there. I'm home now .. exhausted .. but I just took the best shower of my life. some pics....

Beautiful (and hot) redrock country of utah

Me and Rob at "Island in the Sky" - Canyonlands

Josh at Canyonlands

Me at Canyonlands

Josh and Rob standing too close to the edge

Rob does not have a phobia of heights

Josh taking a beer break at the Colorado River near Moab

Me under Mesa Arch in Canyonlands

Rob and Josh at Landscape Arch in Arches

Fisher Towers