Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ragnar Relay - Wasatch Mountains, Utah - Running

I'm certain there was a point during last year's Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay that I thought "This is fun, but never again!" It was probably around 4am .. about 14 hours into the race .. when I was trying to sleep in a freezing cold van with nothing but a hoodie for a blanket.

It only took a year to forget the pain and begin to long for the insanity and fun of the 188 mile relay race from Logan to Park City. This time I was more prepared - armed with a sleeping bag and a tent - but Robert pretty much summed things up best at that low point in the race when you are exhausted, cold, and over it: "Don't even fucking wake me."

188 mile beer run?

The Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay is an overnight adventure race starting in Logan, UT and winding it's way over 5 mountain passes to finish in Park City, UT. Teams of 12 people take turns covering the 188 mountainous miles - day and night - until the last team member crosses the finish line about one day later. Someone from the team is always running while the rest of the team entertains itself in a van, fighting off sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and insanity. It is ridiculously fun.

Our van - all smiles at the start of the race

Morgan runs through the beautiful Wasatch Back

Always fun to harass the person running their leg

Lori is hardcore

Rob and I had to keep the ladies in check

We had a great team that rarely stopped smiling the entire time. Watching the sun rise on a beautiful summer morning over the farmland of Summit County and the peaks of the Wasatch Range ... 24 hours into the race ... is an absolutely surreal experience. Our team finished in about 28 hours .. not half-bad and not even important at all.

Tracey handing off to Morgan

Sweet parking lot camping for a couple of hours

Angie loves the madness

Guardsman Pass - almost to Park City!

Handing off to Robert on the climb to Guardsman Pass

Our team plus our awesome drivers at the finish line