DAY 1 - flew up to anchorage ... via phoenix (booo!!)
DAY 2 - hiked Flattop Mountain near anchorage with Jeff - awesome views up top and a pretty good hike. hit up Kincaid Park and the Coastal Trail later that day.
DAY 3- Alaska art and history museum in Anchorage. Then drove up to near Trapper Creek to spend the night. awesome views of Denali on the way up. watched the sun set over Denali after 10pm (stays light almost all night up there).
DAY 4 - all day biking with Jeff through Denali national park and preserve. Finally met up with Tim! He managed to hitch a ride on some random flight and they landed and tossed him out on the road near where i spent the night. We sat outside almost all night and waited for the northern lights - they never came. So weird how it never gets totally dark at night.
DAY 5 - tram ride and then a hike up to the summit of Mt. Alyeska south of anchorage. touched my first glacier. Tim and i played in the glacial runoff for hours - amazing views of the inlet and surrounding glaciers.
DAY 6 - saw a bunch of people fishing for poor defenseless salmon. boat ride out to Portage glacier - so awesome! saw chunks of ice falling off the glacier into the water.
DAY 7 - flew back to SLC via phoenix again. saw the northern lights and Perseid meteor shower from the plane!
Some Alaska pics...